Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Huggles (8/365)

I should have set the camera further back for this shot. You would have captured a nice moment of me enjoying breakfast with my girl. Is it wrong that I enjoy her being sick? I feel bad that she feels terrible. However I relish in her cuddles. My girl like me is strong and independent. Normally she only wants to use me as a stepping stool. The last couple of days though she just wants to be held. It brings my heart almost more joy then I can bare. I will say beyond this though, that she has become a hugger. I love when she throws her arms around my legs for hugs. I have said it before and I will say it again, I will never understand people who don't want to touch their children all the time. I always want to hug her. I always want to kiss her. I never get sick of it. If I can never give her anything else she will always get those.

1 comment:

  1. I am the same way, sick time equals slow down the crazy 3 yr old energy for a minute and love on mama time. I can't help it either, I love the sitting on the couch together and talking and hugging and just enjoying him. Not that I don't enjoy him when he's crazy but hello, getting a toddler to hold still takes a cold or flu! lol
